Operator's working station @ KNPP
Copper shield construction
RED-100 assembling at KNPP
RED-100 at KNPP
RED-100 during run at KNPP
The visit of the delegation of THE World University Rankings to the Lab 14/02/2017. On the photo: Stratigic Solutions Director Michael Caruana, Head of the Research Laboratory A.I.Bolozdynya, rector of MEPhI M.N.Strikhanov
D.Y. Akimovs Report at the conference "Science of the Future" in Kazan 09/21/2016
RED-100 is completely assembled into the titanium cryostat
Fighters strike team on the assembly of RED-100. 10 Jul 2015
May 19, 2015 The visit of the Deputy General Director of the IAEA T. Varoranta
May 19, 2015 The visit of the Deputy General Director of the IAEA T. Varoranta
May 19, 2015 The visit of the Deputy General Director of the IAEA T. Varoranta
May 19, 2015 The visit of the Deputy General Director of the IAEA T. Varoranta
May 19, 2015 The visit of the Deputy General Director of the IAEA T. Varoranta
April 8, 2015 Assembly of the cathode
April 8, 2015 Build drift volume RED-100
April 8, 2015 Assembly of the drift of the electrodes in a clean room
March 20, 2015 Net electrode detector RED-100 in the assembly
March 20, 2015 Net electrode detector RED-100
March 31, 2015 Cryogenic test RED- 100
Assembling lower casing to the PMT (photomultiplier). March 20, 2015
Lecture Y.Efremenko for students and applicants of MEPhI (13 December 2014)
Lecture Y.Efremenko for students and applicants of MEPhI (13 December 2014)
Lecture Y.Efremenko for students and applicants of MEPhI (13 December 2014)
Visit of leaders of Brazil University
Visit of leaders of Brazil University
Participants of the workshop with Professor M.Tripati and M.Zhidigas
The participants of the LXe MEPhI 2014 workshop of Laboratory for Experimental Nuclear Physics
Professor Richard Gaitskell, spokesman of the LUX experiment
Prof. H.Nelson, spokesman of the collaboration LZ
A survey report on the dark matter by prof. R.Geytskella
Professor of the University of South Carolina (USA) Frank T. Avignon III visited the laboratory of experimental nuclear physics
Open House at the Lab 2014
Open House at the Lab 2014
Open House at the Lab 2014
Titanium cryostat RED-100 delivered to the Laboratory.
Visiting members of the Laboratory of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to improve the competitiveness of the leading Russian universities 14 March 2014.
Cooling the aluminum cylinder by liquid nitrogen
Thermosyphon test channel number 4
The Dewars test. There is liquid nitrogen!
Dewar assembly for thermosyphon
The factory Friazino. Copper ferrule
Belov laboratory worker stands at the Scientific Session 2014
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
19 Nov. Ti crystal of RED100
Prof.Siegfried S. Hecker, senior fellow at CISAC and FSI, foreign member of Russian academy of science, emeritus director of Los Alamos National Laboratory (http://cisac.stanford.edu/people/siegfried_s_hecker) is visiting the LNRU on September 6, 2013.
Prof.Siegfried S. Hecker, senior fellow at CISAC and FSI, foreign member of Russian academy of science, emeritus director of Los Alamos National Laboratory (http://cisac.stanford.edu/people/siegfried_s_hecker) is visiting the LNRU on September 6, 2013.
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Dark Matter Internation conference. Novosibirsk, Russia 22-26 July 2013
Prof.Olshevsky opens the Workshop
Prof.Buzulutskov of Novosibirsk University
Prof.Bilenkiy is speaking about B.M.Pontecorvo
Presenting award in the name of Acad.Ponecorvo to Prof.S.M.Bilenbkiy
NANPino Website
Monastery at Valday Lake
Dr.Tgorov & Prof.Bilenkiy
Dr.Preverzev of Livermore National Lb
Dr.Etenko of LENP
Dr.Adam Bernstein of Livermore National Lab
Director of Valday Resort
Director of radiation control department of Kalinin NPP Yu.D.Mamntov
Chepel at Uzhik Lake
After visiting the monastery
Cryogenic model divider
Cryogenic model divider
American counterparts on the RED-100 assembly area
Adam Bernstein (Lawrence Livermore National. Lab. USA) speaks at saminare of the lab
NANPino-2013 Workshop, in "Valday" resort, June 26 2013
After the excursion to the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant, Udomlja, June 27 2013
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Working in the lab
Taking Data
Working in the lab
Taking Data
Taking Data
The management of NRNU MEPhI is visiting the lab
The management of NRNU MEPhI is visiting the lab
The assembly clean room with a beam of HES-10
The assembly clean room with a beam of HES-10
The assembly clean room with a beam of HES-10
Moving to the reactor IRT MEPhI
Moving to the reactor IRT MEPhI